Wednesday 30 April 2014

Freezing cold, but happy

I was buzzing after handing in my work - my enhanced enabler even took a photo of me handing it in!
Not the best pic of me, but hey, it's the moment we're capturing here....
So that is all finished with and I don't need to worry about it anymore. As the Prince Regent from Blackadder would say - 'HOORAH!'. We went for lunch at one of my favourite cafes and celebrated with nachos - I treated myself to a peach smoothie - and we could chat about really taking notice of my successes rather than the failures. Today is all about glowing in happiness from getting this handed in and I don't mind that plan one bit.
I went to Primark and got some fluffy bed socks - which I live in - a nice soft snood and a pale pink jumper. It might be April, but you wouldn't think it from looking out the window. Unfortunately I got caught in the rain walking back and because it was nice this morning when I left, I didn't have a coat or anything - I refused to let it ruin my mood though, it's only rain! Soon, I will ring home and tell them :D

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