Monday 24 March 2014

Sick of this stress

Mood: Low/Upset

Maybe I'm just tired, it's 9:30pm, but I'm so fed up. So sick of working and stressing, how do other people do it?! I know that everyone looks better on the outside than they are and I'm not alone. Why am I putting myself through this!! Will I even use my degree in the future? This third year has given me nothing I didn't already have from my foundation degree, it is a very depressing fact to learn this way. If I had known this a year ago, I would've said bye bye to the idea of doing a top-up year for a BSc :( IF ONLY.

The way everyone is feeling now, all sick of trying and losing the will to keep going? Welcome to how I have been feeling all year long people! The saddest part of it, to me, is that when I go home for Easter break I can't exactly chill and relax, my exams are only 2 weeks into the final term *wants the ground to swallow me up* well at least I don't have any additional anxiety over being in a room with other people, I guess.

Right now, my dream would be to sleep 18 hours a day :( sleep is the only escape from this horrible world. Maybe I should gradually work up to sleeping 12 hours a day.

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