Thursday 13 March 2014


I did so much more today than I realised! Feeling soooooooooooo much better now.

The two best therapies for me have to be music and pictures of cute animals! I have photo albums on my laptop which is great for when I'm in a lecture and I can put them up if I'm panicking. I would highly recommend it if you're a lover of animals, it does wonders. It is the closest thing I have to a pet - apart from my cuddly toy tiger that I still sleep with if I'm by myself. Yes I am 21, NO SHAME HERE!

Talk about dramatic mood change to earlier! I am flying hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh! I didn't even take my tablet today. I forgot and by the time I remembered, most of the day had gone by! I will still take it tonight though, I promise :)

The highlight of my day was being so pleasantly surprised at far I have come with my dissertation! So pleased with myself :D I am going to spend the rest of the night mentally giving myself tons of praise and pride so I make the most of this good feeling.

Just hope I can transfer that good feeling to my guy :/
I'd take all his pressure off his shoulders if I could.

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