Saturday 29 March 2014

Introvert 'me' time

What a chilled evening we've had :)

Got some yummo food for the next couple of days for when le boyfriend and I play house - his parents are going away for a week - followed by a delicious Indian takeaway! Mmmmm indian...

After coming up with some ideas of things to keep me busy over Easter, I am feeling better about being home. If I keep focussed on mini projects, my anxiety won't have the opportunity to kick in over any situation it can get hold of. As soon as there's a little awkwardness, my anxiety fires up with so many questions. Do they even like me? Am I doing something wrong? Have I said something I shouldn't have? Have I been rude or disrespectful in some way to make them want to ignore me?

Constant analysing, analysing, analysing... so knackering
I've gone to bed to relax a little by myself and wind down. You can be around the most wonderful company but still need some 'me' time, you know? All the introverts out there get what I mean! 'Me' time can never be replaced, it is when I 'recharge' and centre myself again. It is so hard to explain to people who love being around people all the time, they see nothing good in being by yourself.
Although thinking about it, I am not sure whether preferring my own company (mostly) is more beneficial or a hindrance for me :/
Are you an introvert or extrovert? Do you like alone time?

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