Thursday 20 March 2014

Mind keeps spinniiiiiiiiiing...

Mood: Gooooood

When it comes to my work, things are going weeeell!! It's not finished yet, but I feel like it will be, I'm not worrying. It is managing to keep me up at night though, falling asleep takes an age and then I keep waking up now and then which isn't at all like me.

There is more good than bad, so I'm focussing on that thought.

I had a momentary blip last night in bed, the 'image' - the visual trauma trigger - came to mind but thankfully I was feeling in such a good place that it had no power over me, everything was fine! AHH that makes me happy, it always makes me feel in control when I brush the image off :D

I am so looking forward to Saturday, I will be out with my guy, my enhanced enabler and her DOG! So excited, I love her chocolate lab to pieces, she's so bubbly and friendly. I thought it would do him and I a lot of good around this time, so we arranged this a week or so ago and it will be lovely - just a walk about, maybe go by the beach and play with her :D

The plan was to really work hard tomorrow and stay all snuggled up and comfy - that is my machine work mode - but I checked my diary and I actually have a 2-hour lecture in the afternoon :( I will definitely go though:

1) It is my hardest module
2) It is my VERY. LAST. LECTURE.


Never mind, I have no choice but to work as hard as I can. Besides, I want to recharge over the weekend. My mind is spinning with things I have left to do because everything is due within a week now *deeeeeeep breaths* uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhh

Do you have anything on your mind 24/7 lately?

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