Thursday 27 March 2014

Trying to control chaos

I don't know about you, but when I have things to do, I am ALL about making lists.
The satisfaction of crossing things off a list is surprisingly powerful and it drives me to keep going. This is how I got through this morning. It makes a busy day with a lot to do more manageable and even enjoyable at times. The feeling after something is finished is very good, but it's just getting there.

Everyone has their own way, but when I think of my anxiety and mental health I have an image of something like spaghetti - no structure, just chaos, a mess (even though I like spaghetti... it's the heritage that does it). That is probably why I am a big organiser - I tidy regularly as a way of tidying my mind if my thoughts are scattered, whether it is any kind of household chore or arranging books in height order, sorting my wardrobe by colour. OOH one thing that I loved doing when I was younger was organising my DVDs alphabetically and by certificate.... I wonder if any other young teenagers did that :/ I certainly didn't know any at the time!

I don't believe that good and bad days are black and white, there is a whole spectrum to it. Everyone has those bad moods that they wallow in for a while and other bad moods that they can lift themselves out of. Like a gradient, some bad moods are worse than others. Organising my environment reassures me that I have a certain level of control and control over your life as an anxious person is the ultimate comfort. Like many, I am typical in the sense that I want to have every single thing mapped out in attempt to avoid bad things to happen. Saying that though, I am not 5 - we know that life 'doesn't work out the way you want sometimes' bla bla bla (I can't stand people telling me that, it sounds so darn condescending).

Key lesson I have learned: The bad is equally as natural as the good. We need the bad to help highlight the good in our lives. Once you accept that, you won't put all your energy into trying to avoid it anymore. You will be free.
What makes you feel in control?? Are you an organiser, like myself?

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