Tuesday 18 March 2014

Mini Rant Mode

Mood: 'Rant' mode

People say I have no filters because I say how I feel/what I mean, I don't tend to tiptoe around things. Compared to a lot of people, I will look rude because I don't go down the break-it-to-you-gently-to protect-your-feelings route - for most situations. There are enough people in the world who tiptoe so much that their point isn't even made and nothing happens! I can't bare that. It was maybe a year or so ago that I just grew out of my filters because I was sick of everyone around me nice-ifying things.

People do wrong. We are always going to. Repeating mistakes, however, is pointless and does no good. What is right for one person may be wrong for another, but there are people in my life who are aware they are doing wrong while simultaneously enjoying it. To this I say fair enough, it's your life, but when it affects other people? QUIT IT. Don't give me that whole 'Don't tell me what to do, this is my life and I control me'. Again, if it was you alone I'd have no quarrel with you, but do not stand there and tell me, while trying to convince yourself, that this is only your life. It is your life as well as some others and that is when you must stop thinking solely about your own hurt.

There is a reason why you hear friend after friend telling you the same thing. Sometimes they can be wrong, but figure it out and quit stalling. It only makes other people's pain worse with each passing day.

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