Tuesday 11 March 2014


Mood: Cheerful

Feeling gooooooooood! For no reason as well ugh this is so nice :D well I think the weather is giving me a massive lift, I haven't been wearing my coat, it's great!! It will be a good day I'm sure, I think I am glowing today, it might be my makeup that is very much for spring - a nice pink blush and pink y red lip gloss - and I might curl my hair a little for some bounce, excited to see how my ombre hair looks!

I saw the GP first thing this morning and it went well, I've now got a prescription for 2 months worth of medication yayy so that'll see me through the easter holidays when I am back home and I need to remember *mental note* to go back to book an appointment for when I'm back for the summer time.

I have just a short 1 hour lecture this morning then I am with an enhanced enabler. She has been off for a couple of weeks because she hasn't been well but she is baaaaaaaack yaaayyy! There is a 2 hour lecture this afternoon, but whenever I've gone to one of those module lessons it has felt like a total waste of time and I genuinely think I can get more work done if I don't go. That might sound just like an excuse to get out, but think what you will! I know the truth haha.

Today is a deadline day, my work is all ready, printed out and I just need to hand it in when I'm on campus in a bit. Probably one of the latest coursework submissions for me, I like to give things in the day before to avoid any panic queues. I'm not worried though, I've never seen a queue and it will still be in in good time :)

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