Wednesday 21 May 2014

Presentation time

2 days to go!
Mood: Nervous as hell

Scared-out-of-its-mind kitty = me

My presentation is at half 12 *deep breath* 3.5 hours *deep breath* Thankfully I am only nervous because this is important, I know my stuff and I can talk around my subject. Oooh I find my project tutor a bit intimidating! Hopefully she will smile and nod as I go through it to make me feel like it's going okay. Uuuuuuhhh feel sick...

Okay..... okay, okay, I can do this, I can do this. I've done it before and in conditions that terrified me - this is nothing compared to last year in a big lecture theatre. This is a printed out poster - that I am very proud of - and I am presenting in her office with just us and my learning support tutor. Hopefully I will be able to answer all her questions :)

I have always been good at coming across pretty confidently (apart from last year when I got marked down for swaying - it was the only way to stop mysself from running out of the room!). It should be a doddle for me to present well.

If she lets me present my poster while sitting down that will be the best thing, I will be much more comfortable. Ooohh a cup of tea, if only I could hold a mug while I talk! It will feel like a casual chat.

I've just got to imagine a mug in my hand with a cat curled up on my lap, purring gently.

That'll about do it!

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