Wednesday 21 May 2014


Aaahhh, le presentation is done!

While getting ready this morning I just kept asking myself 'What is the worst that could happen?! Is it really that bad?' - this usually doesn't work for me, but I was well prepared for today so I wasn't off-the-charts nervous.

My heart was in my throat when I got to campus. Thankfully with my learning support tutor she kept me doing deep breathing exercises while we waited (we were early and lecturer wasn't in her office). I knew I would be fine once I got into what I was talking about, it is always the anticipation more than anything.

Thankfully, my lecturer was very nice about it, it was more of a casual chat about my project than anything else. The three of us propped up my poster on her office wall and stood facing it and I talked through what I did. We discussed my results and what I came to find from doing it, problems etc. Chilling for the rest of the day - got to soak in the happy, proud feeling for doing well!

Determined to give myself more praise when praise is due.

Here's a happy dog, just for you Xx

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