Thursday 15 May 2014

High spirit Thursday

8 days to go.
Mood: In high spirits

Woohooo! Today is going to be great! I have things to do throughout the day, so it'll be productive and I will have company this afternoon thanks to my enhanced enabler :) Last night I wrote up a meal plan to make sure I take home as little food as possible, I can't believe I hadn't come up with one before now! Only 7 meals left to make, that's nothing!

Curled up in bed last night, I thought up what to do this morning before heading out and now I'm following through. I like doing chores, it just makes me feel on top of things, though it might seem mundaine to most people! Simple things like washing up dishes, doing laundry, tidying are all therapeutic in my book.
So, today's to do list:
Change bed
Get dressed
Clean makeup brushes
Practice presentation
Revise a little
Go to council place *yawn*

Ultimately, I think I can be quite content living alone, I simply need to keep myself occupied that's all. I've been doing the same thing the past week or so, but now things are further along I have different things to get on with. Looking forward to putting all my things together to go HOME!!

Have any fun plans over the next week?

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