Tuesday 13 May 2014

Hibernation cravings

10 days to go.
Mood: Tired

Everything has gone well today. From the outside it must look darn near perfect, but the minute I sit down in my room I have the overwhelming need to just crawl into bed and sleep. I just feel so tired mentally, I could sleep for days quite easily.

I want to hibernate.

Yep, it sounds weird, but it's the best way to describe it. It might look silly to some people. Today I have:

Made sure my poster is complete
Printed it out in A1
Laminated it
Submitted it electronically (a week before deadline)
Practiced my presentation twice in front of my learning support tutor and enhanced enabler
Answered questions about my project for 30 minutes
Had lunch out with le boyfriend

So why do I want to curl up like a kitten in a plant pot?

I was nervous of this poster printing business going wrong, because it is £6 with each print out and it had to be perfect. So I was tossing and turning last night and didn't get to sleep til probably half 12ish, meaning around 8 hours sleep for me. I need more than that! I'll sleep 12 hours tonight since it's all done and I am well prepared now for my presentation :)

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