Saturday 17 May 2014

Less than a week left!!

6 days to go!
Mood: Happy

A lush morning in bed, just chatting and laughing: heaven. We have no plans to go out today and I am perfectly happy with that. If it remains a nice day then maybe a visit to the park with a game of 'What Breed Is That?'

My guy has finished all his exams now, so he can truly relax and I am so happy to see him and have him with me for the weekend. Oh so tempted to get domino's pizza tonight hmmmm..... dilemma. I spoke to mum yesterday about the doggy diploma idea and of course it's up to me, but I feel that I need reassurance-like permission. It's comforting :)

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Less than a week left here!! Can't WAIT! All I have to do is carry on revising little by little each day and run through my presentation a few times :D all doable! I don't feel nervous at all for this presentation now - in a small office, just me, the lecturer and my learning support tutor for support and I know what I am talking about.

Knowing your subject is the best preparation.

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