Friday 23 May 2014

Let's go home

Mood: Upbeat

Feel a bit ill to be honest, I haven't anything to eat til my dad gets here this afternoon :/ I've managed my food well this time though, nothing extra to bring back.

Didn't sleep too well last night, I felt a little bit like a child the day before something exciting, I just kept tossing and turning! Now my mind is tossing and turning. A big move is always a bit stressful for anyone, I can't stop worrying about if I forget anything and I have to leave my room spotless. Shouldn't be too difficult, I'm always pretty tidy :)

Clean shower, cabinet, loo + sink
Clean oven top
Wash fridge drawers...are they called drawers?!
Clean cupboard (avoid residing spider!)

When dad gets here:
Clear everything out to the car
Hoover bedroom
Check drawers
Give in keys and forms to estate agents

Then home we go! I actually packed everything a couple of days ago, I'm too impatient and you know I like to organise :) feels like a tip with bags everywhere though, I really don't like it! Right I'm going to get on this list, time will move on by faster and it'll distract me from my stomach growling.

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