Sunday 11 May 2014

That's it! I'm FED UP.

* * * RANT MODE * * *

I am FED UP of people who don't just come out with whatever they have to say and damn well confront me. If I've done something to upset or offend you or piss you off, you need to tell me! For goodness sake, I can't read your mind, but when you lay not-so-subtle hints everywhere that makes it look like you have a problem with me, don't expect me to stay calm!!! Why do people do that?!

If I was angry, I wouldn't make cryptic statuses about how I'm feeling on social networking sites instead being mature about the whole thing and dealing with the problem. We're not in secondary school anymore!! Seriously, I look really rude at times compared to some people because I am actually honest and don't beat around the bush anymore, I have learnt that it doesn't do anyone any favours and only prolongs things til they get worse - DEAL WITH IT AND MOVE ON.

Being honest and confronting someone face to face doesn't automatically mean it will be an argument, just talk it out.

* * * * *

I am going..*deep breath* blow...*deep breath* lid.

The only thing worse than hinting around me is deliberately avoiding me. I am not in a good enough place to take on any DRAMAAAAAA!!! I really hope I've got this all wrong, but when I know a friend's behaviour pattern, I'm never wrong, my instincts are usually bang on. The one good thing is I can't remember the last time I was this mad, so I am glad this is a rare occurence now. If I had a blog a few years ago, oh boy...

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