Friday 30 May 2014

London trip

Mood: Drained

Today has flashed by in a second! It is a fairly late post because I went to London to see my sister in a rehearsal performance this afternoon before she goes touring around the UK.

A 6:15am wake up is ever going to get someone on my good side, but we had to get an early coach followed by the train to make it there for 1pm. I was pretty nervous travelling in London, the hustle and bustle is too much for me to take in = sensory overload!! I felt like a little kitten lost on New York City’s streets. I almost cried on the train because I felt the overwhelming need to wrap up in a soft, fluffy blanket to feel safe. Once we got there for the matinee rehearsal, I relaxed a little bit.

I wanted to be left alone by friends of my mum’s, but people were coming up to me in the interval asking me if I sang too or what I did. It was nice to be asked, but at the same time I wanted to be invisible. Mum briefly told a friend how, over the years, people have asked if I'm the singer or the other one and it was comforting to hear that they thought that was harsh. I'm glad mum remembers that because it is a key element that caused my low self-esteem, I'm sure.

Uuuuuuuhh so tired. The journey back from London was much faster and it was just my dad and I, so relieved that it went smoothly. So many things to think about - train tickets, coach passes, get off at this stop, walk straight, left, straight.....

Finally in bed all cosy with chocolate cupcakes my best friend generously made for me and a jar of nutella.

Do you like any nibbles?

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