Thursday 8 May 2014

Doggy afternoon!!

It's not going to be all play play play with my enhanced enabler's chocolate lab, I do intend on doing some work. The idea is that with Molly over, she will bring my anxiety down and put me in a good place to get some things done. She will get me out of the house at one point as well which is good. So I will do some work on my poster, maybe start to figure out what I'm going to say, then possibly some revision?

Thankfully, I still have some lemon drizzle cake left over so my enabler can have some :)

My plan was to hoover the entire flat before her arrival, but the other day I set the alarms off by hoovering while it was full up and now I am too nervous to hoover in case they go off again. I emptied it as soon as the alarms stopped and this morning I managed to do the bathroom at top speed - I thought I could maybe do it before setting them off. The rest of the flat needs hoovering toooo! Ohh I'll have to apologise for the condition of my floors when they get here, but we should be staying in my room anyways before going to the park :)


It. was. GREAT! She's such a gorgeous girl and very well behaved - I am happy for her to jump up at me to say hello or rest her head on my legs - she made me feel wonderful today. I was productive as planned and got some doggie fun as well as my reward! Feeling good about life right about now :D oh and my cake went down a treat!

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