Wednesday 14 May 2014

Therapeutic properties of baking

Unforunately this afternoon didn't happen, that should be happening tomorrow. Not that it'll be that exciting, but some things you just have to do.

So with my afternoon suddenly free, I struck gold! I spent the time baking biscuits! Nothing special, just plain ones, but there's something scrummy about plain biscuits when they're nice and buttery. I wanted to at least sprinkle some icing sugar on top but I haven't got any :( Still, here are the biscuits:

There is something so relaxing about baking for me. Putting some elbow grease into beating and mixing the mixture, you can get your frustrations out and it is pretty draining so then you haven't the energy to stay frustrated if something's on your mind! If I know what I am doing pretty well, it is a way to channel my creativity and thought into something that needs concentration and is rewarding when it is all over!

It is a great way to bond with people too if you offer them a slice of cake or something. I will be putting a few of these in a bag for my enhanced enabler because tomorrow is the last time I am seeing her - although I will be seeing her again before my exams in September, but still - so I wanted to give her a nice token :)

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