Sunday 25 May 2014

Make it happen

Mood: Bright and breezy

My mood definitely matches the weather today! So lovely.

Went to sleep fairly easily, wasn't as anxious in bed. For some reason, it felt easier to hold onto a nice thought/image in my mind. Mine was that day when I got some husky love!

Focussing on a positive, strong image that fills you with happiness makes sleep less of a struggle to achieve.

Mum and I had a lovely breakfast, one of my favourite things to do with family is talk of fun memories, things we used to do with my grandparents or outings when I was little. I love hearing stories about my parents when they were young. Frequent reminders that life can be full of happy moments = all too easy to forget! It is simply a case of finding them.

If you stare at the ground all the time, you will never see the sky.

While mum has gone to church, I am going to bob around the house doing things. Mainly organising my room and planning what to put up on eBay but with chores every now and then too. It's great, it feels very cleansing to detox your things and make change - I love it! Especially with depression it helps because it lessens the feeling that you are stuck, that 'I will be like this forever!' mode. If your external environment can change, anything can and you can make it happen.

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