Saturday 24 May 2014

No longer a secret

I told mum about my blog this morning during breakfast. It felt right, my mum has been there for me and I have really felt the support over the past couple of months :) so I'm glad that's out in the open!

A good first day home. I've done a lot of organising and putting things away, coming up with ideas to change my room. I arranged my wardrobe by colour, it is one big rainbow now!

Oh no....afternoon dip has hit me. Fab. My internet cutting out repeatedly stopped me being productive and now I'm a grumpy kitty. I just so happen to be wearing a pretty cat ear head band as well! Maybe a cup of tea will bring me up again.

Mum is out this afternoon doing some fundraising for a charity she helps with, I was supposed to go, but like always on the day, nope it wasn't going to happen. I wanted to get unpacked properly and sort my room out. Organising puts my mind in such a good place, it's the best boost for me - rearranging furniture, knick-knacks, throwing some things away, put things in a bag to possible donate...

I'm going to go eBay nuts and sell lots of little things the family doesn't need, I've never done it before, but how hard can it be :/ mum would say I'm a tech wiz and I'd probably enjoy setting it up and everything. I will tell you if anything is successful.

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