Friday 16 May 2014

Exciting future plans!!

7 days to go!
Mood: Excited

Nice and early today. It's funny, the longer I intend to sleep in, the earlier I am wide awake. Not fair! Still, 8am is a pretty comfortable time for me. Blue skies welcomed my at my window again, this is wonderful, the day is off to a pretty good start :)

Yesterday was really nice - I didn't manage to revise or go over my presentation, but I am well prepared and still have plenty of time to go over it and I will revise today. Our afternoon out in the sun was so nice! We got the boring stuff over with first, then relaxed on the public green by the sea, watching foreign students and testing our accent impressions, browsing TK Maxx and talking about my plans for the future.

Sadly it was the last time I will see her before September when I am back to sit my exams, but we will be in touch regularly to make sure I am keeping up my revision up til then. I will be doing the same with my learning support tutor, so they will keep me driven and on track :) I don't want to let them down after all the support they've given me. Deep down, I do want something to show for this additional year, it has been tough all along, to have nothing at the end would be very upsetting. While I am studying, all I want is for it to be over :/

* * * * *
The future looks bright!

Plans and ideas are whirring around my head and I am feelin so driven to get started. I discussed them yesterday and my enhanced enabler mentioned how they are all realistic and doable. Maybe that is why I can't wait to start; these plans sound very doable to me. I don't feel overwhelmed - yet - so I am so excited!

So, I have been searching online lately for online courses that I can do at home to do with dogs somehow - dog psychology, dog training etc - I was very general because I don't know what's out there. Then I found British College of Canine Studies! Online, affordable courses that you have a 2 year period to complete, but at your own pace. They have a range of diplomas, certificates and combined courses. Thing is, if I want to work with dogs in any way I need a qualification to say to customers: I know what I am doing, I am trustworthy.

I have read through the courses they have available and have found the most suitable course for my future plans: The Complete Canine Care Diploma. I will think long and hard about it, but there are some obvious pros.

  • I'll be able to have a job at the same time
  • Working at my own pace (big plus for someone with depression)
  • Affordable
  • You can pay in installments, so you can stop the course for whatever reason and you're not required to pay the rest
  • Practical element option to be hands-on with some dogs!
I will ring home and see what my mum thinks - if I can work at the same time, I reckon that'll be all the reassurement she needs :) she just wants me to be able to support myself.

Love you mum! XxX

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