Saturday 31 May 2014

Lonely moments

Feeling really lonely this afternoon. While mum is in London for the weekend, dad is off working and I'm....sitting here. I did some revision today I am happy to say! An hour or so, I have the notes stuck to my wall as proof, so I feel good about that. Feeling lonely since coming home is a worry that my medication isn't the right dosage for me at this point. I must remember to re-register with the doctor here so that I can continue to receive my medication for the next few months.

All day it has just been me and Bondi Vet spending quality time together, I've also done some embroidery thread organising and bought a couple of things for my kit online. Looking forward to hopefully give blood on monday, there shouldn't be any reason why I can't, unless my blood simply isn't up to scratch - let's hope!

Family bonds are getting better every day, I wish someone was around to keep me company. Mum doesn't finish work for the summer for another 3 weeks so I'd best put together some targets:

Meet up with my best mate: once a week
Visit neighbour with dog: at least once next week
Revise: 2 hours a week

Apart from that, I will just spend time with mum whenver she is around, maybe bake the odd yummies! These targets should keep me from staying inside all day every day. I know it isn't much, but baby steps :)

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