Wednesday 14 May 2014

Blue skies, nothin' but blue skies

9 days to go.
Mood: Okay

Well, a second night of tossing and turning but I've no idea why this time. Maybe I went to bed too early? It was 9:20 so maybe I was pushing it, but I couldn't stop yawning, I thought I would fall right to sleep! Never mind, I got a fair bit of sleep eventually.

A nice blue sky welcomed me into the day and it is a lovely sight - a nice change from the dark clouds - so it has made me feel more upbeat today. Then again, my mood is always at its best in the morning I've noticed. Not a lot to do today, so that's nice :) I am going out this afternoon to sort stuff out for when my dad comes down next Friday to pick me up (and all my stuff), then I am finally going to the museum! I have intended to go in all year and it is free admission and round the corner from my place, so it seems silly that I haven't gone!

My enhanced enabler is coming with me, which I am grateful for. After going through a week without seeing any face - even for me - I was getting lonely and a bit loopy. So I am feeling better this week after yesterday and then today and my guy will be round for the weekend! Yayy company!

Does the weather affect your mood?

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