Wednesday 7 May 2014

A good deed

16 days to go.
Mood: Higgledy piggledy

I've been a total lemon this morning. I have a meeting at 12, but for some reason I had it in my head that it was at 11 so I've been rushing around trying to get ready super quick. I eat at the last minute before going out to stop me getting hungry while I'm out so I was wolfing down my favourite breakfast when I saw the time and it just clicked in my mind! What a silly bunny I've been so far today :)

Back from my meeting and as ever, feeling more on top of things. My learning support has honestly been the best thing ever for me this year, I truly believe I...well, I don't know if I would have been bold enough to quit, but I'd certainly have failed more pieces of work. They have given me another chance and shown me my true potential, mostly by believing in me!

Do a good deed every day for someone.

I am feeling truly good about myself today and all because I gave my landlord a piece of cake :) he was doing some DIY and I wondered about it for a while, til I thought a good deed will always be welcomed.

What was the last good deed you did for someone?

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