Thursday 8 May 2014

A midspring (recurring) night's dream

15 days to go.
Mood: Amused

My dream varies but they go the same way every time, it's really strange. I'm not really one to believe in dreams foretelling us things - although I do find the idea fun - but I can't shake off the feeling that this one must be saying something :/

The dream goes like this: I'm on stage (or in the wings) of a performance and I'm a main character in whatever it is - once it was a ballet, but mostly acting roles - and I don't know any of my lines. Last night, I was performing in a Shakespearean version of Back to the Future.. in space! I kind of mutter my way through, guessing my lines and getting poked by others on stage telling me it's my line next. Very unnerving dream for me.

I was Golde in my theatre school's production of Fiddler on the Roof a few years back and I had plenty of lines because I was the second main character, next to my 'husband' :P I remember really clearly going over my lines while having a bubble bath and working out how many weeks left to go in a panic. In the end it went without a hitch, but even for a while after the show the nerves didn't go away and I had to remind myself that it had already been and gone! I guess the nerves had settled in for a long while that they were refusing to leave.

Maybe it is simply when I'm stressed or have something coming up that I am worrying about - that would explain the frequent recurrence. I really need to work on anticipating good instead of anticipating bad.

Do you have any dreams to tell?

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