Friday 2 May 2014

Don't want to leave the flat

21 days to go.
Mood: Okay

Can't say I'm happy to work today, frankly I just want to chill. I am meeting up with my enhanced enabler today - I forgot until late last night :( - I love seeing her, we get on so well, but I just don't want to leave the flat. I exceeded my own expectations of productivity yesterday and whenever that happens, the following day is always a stark contrast, I just want to flop about for the day. Maybe I could message her. My mood isn't really low, but it isn't high enough for me to go out. If I have to leave the flat for something or other, I need to be in a 'let's get up and go!' mood, even just a bit.

Ohh I hope she doesn't mind. She is a sufferer of mental illness as well, though I won't divulge into that, so no one can understand me better than her :) the good things with my learning support help is that because they are aware of my condition, so they know that I might sometimes cancel plans or want to meet at my flat instead of on campus and they are fine with it. They are prepared and flexible enough to allow movement, which I couldn't be more grateful for!

What are you grateful for today?

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