Tuesday 27 May 2014

DIY / Birthday prep / Giving blood

Mood: Happy

Yesterday couldn't have gone more differently than what we had planned! It became a long DIY job actually, I've had plans to change around my room and the furniture so my parents and I were like a little team, dismantling my wardrobe and reassembling it in another room because I don't need it. I don't have many clothes at all!

Since my room is the attic, I also have a small room with the attic stairs that I am turning into a sort of little office to revise for my September exams and any further study (hopefully that canine care diploma in October!). Tons of things propped up on eBay now, I'm getting really impatient, come ooooon!

My birthday is tomorroww! :D
So plans are underway. I have to do some errands this morning, get a few foodie things and I will be nipping to Wilkinson's down the road to have a fun browse at wall paint for my room! Ahhh painting is so fun! I think I will pick some pretty, bright artificial flowers to display in my room to make the room happier.

Happy touches make the world of difference

Click on image to go to NHS page about donating blood
Ooooh also, now that I have been on my medication steadily for a few months, I can finally give blood for the first time! So to mark the beginning of my 23rd year on Earth, I am going to start giving blood as regularly as possible.

I looked up online how long you have to wait between blood donations - MONTHS!! Seriously?!! I absolutely understand the purpose of giving it time, but....that's just a lot more time than I expected :(

I have wanted to donate for months but my changes in medication over the past several months has meant that it's never been a good time, but thankfully there is a session on this Friday 30th in the middle of town so I am going to go :D

Giving to others is one of the best treatments for your own wellbeing

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