Friday 9 May 2014

Do the 'chair bop'!

14 days to go.
Mood: Bouncy

After plenty of sleep, I woke up instantly feeling refreshed and ready to get on with my day. A great start! I now keep my medication right next to my bed with water, so I take them first thing when I get up. Not the best memory resides in this brain of mine, so it's a good way around it :) goodbye cold turkey days!

My skincare routine always makes me feel good. It is all tea tree, so when I am done I smell fresh and clean, which I love! So I did that straight after brekkie.....okay brunch.

I'm staying in my pjs because I don't need to go out, I'm not expecting any company. Today is about my poster and I, we're going to have some quality time together and get this finished. It's very nearly there though - with my enhanced enabler with me, I'm going to the library Tuesday morning to print it out on A1. Pretty nervous about that, it could easily go wrong and it costs a fiver whenever you print anything that size. Fingers crossed!

Everybody do the chair bop!

If there was anyting to drive me through work it's music! Music is such a good therapy for a multitude of things, it can reduce pain significantly and lift your mood in an instant. Gold dust for someone as anxious and wound up as me! My favourite chair bop genres are brazilian samba, african and bollywood. It might be something to do with the drums, who knows, but they power me through everything! A tune you just can't help but jiggle in your chair to!

What's your 'chair bop' genre?

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