Wednesday 28 May 2014

My 22nd Birthday!!

I'm 22 noooowww!!
Mood: Happy

Feeling good today despite an early start for some random reason. Mum is at work and dad is sticking to himself as usual, but thankfully my boyfriend is here so I have some company during the day :)

We wated The Blue Planet and other animals - my happy place when it comes to tv!

Got to love nature programmes

I bought some paint tester pots yesterday and we've tried those out as well, painting was fun. I was tempted to just keep going regardless of whether I liked the colour - there's something therapeutic about using a paintbrush and seeing instant visual changes in front of you.

The rest of my day isn't going to be particularly special, maybe some fun times on the wii - sports, dancing, races etc. The thing about my birthday, especially now, is that it makes you aware of people who care for you. I woke up thinking 'I won't get any messages' but it's okay, the people who love me and are super special are around and I am with family (apart from my sister sadly) and my guy :)

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