Tuesday 6 May 2014

22nd birthday in 22 days

17 days to go.
Mood: Happy

Got the place to myself again and am perfectly content, I reckon I could easily live by myself. I've never been too big on company.

When I was younger, my best friend was my bike - she had a name I can't remember and I would talk to her as if I was riding a horse - and I would cycle to the park by my house and stay there if it was empty. There was also a field next to it where three grey ponies lived - there was a farm there. I would feed them some grass and sometimes cycle really fast from one end to the other on my side of the fence to make them run with me. Happy times :)

Chilling in my room, minding my own business. I will put some music on and do some revision soon. I ought to work on my poster presentation too, maybe some bullet points on what I need to say at least :) that shouldn't be too hard! When in doubt, have a slice of lemon drizzle cake! It's going very quickly.

Oh my goooosh, my birthday is nearing eek! I would be perfectly happy with one of my favourite meals for dinner, a birthday pavlova - I prefer pavlovas to cake - and maybe a game of Phase 10 :) it's a card game that's been around for a long time, I have fond memories of playing it with my grandma when I was little.

Do you have a happy memory?

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