Sunday 11 May 2014

Scriptwriting practice

12 days to go.
Mood: Fine

Another long sleep :) I'm definitely waking up in a good mood more regularly, I'm feeling much more stable emotionally now. Time to crack on with this poster business! It's going to print in 2 days: a week ahead of schedule, which means I can electronically submit it a few days before the deadline and focus entirely on what I will be saying. It shouldn't be too hard; I've been working on this all year so I know what I'm talking about.

What I usually do to prepare for a presentation of some kind is to come up with a script and memorise it. That way I can bring what I'm saying across with more confidence than if I was thinking off the top of my head. Hmmm some cue cards would be useful, damn I have loads at home :/ typical!

Academically: on track
Socially: not so much

Things are getting better and better with family with every phone call, particularly with mum, but I don't leave my flat to see anyone. I just don't feel the need to go out and socialise, I've never been the type of person to need company a lot, I am quite content. I can see how it could look like a problem from the outside :/ you would think I'd see my flatmate a fair amount, but she's rarely here and we stay in our rooms anyway. She knows I have some mental health things going on, so she probably assumes I need my own space unless I go to her, which I can understand.

My best mate is so fun to hang out with and her little girl is gorgeous, I love seeing them. Even then, I don't want to leave the house and I realise that I try to get out of all my social plans - not a few, practically all of them!

How much of an introvert are you?

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