Thursday 22 May 2014

Anxiety or phobia?

1 day to go!
Mood: Excitable

I'm on my way family!!!
A rough night that was, some drunk guys decided our street was the perfect stage for their singing 5 in the morning *sigh* I am looking forward to not living in Studentville anymore, certainly not for me!

Oh noooo, rain! It looks pretty gloomy today :( I was planning to go out! Hmmm I suppose it is only me stopping me from going out, the rain isn't going to hurt me.... I'll just wrap up a bit :) I am getting into the habit of staying in at the smallest sign of....well, anything. Really need to curb that anxiety pattern before it becomes a case of Agoraphobia. How would I get by then?!

It seems I'm afraid of birds too. I never thought so, but I can't bear them flying over my head or nearby. I don't mind a few, but the more there are the more anxious I'll get. No clue where this came from! I remember going to feed the ducks with my boyfriend last year where we lived and so many birds came flocking over, I was on the other end of the park while he was surrounded! Strange how these things can creep up on you... I don't know the proper term for that phobia, that would be interesting to know.

Right, no, I'm going out! Today is going to be a nice day, I am ready for it despite the gloomy weather. We are heading to the aquarium today!

Are you going/have you been anywhere new lately?

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