Thursday 1 May 2014

Take that, poster!

22 days to go.
Mood: Happy as a bunny surrounded by carrots

After sleeping for 12 hours - yes, 12! - I really feel like getting stuff done today! Feeling productive comes much easier to me when I don't feel crushed by my workload, right now is a good amount for me because I feel like I can handle it..... it may have something to do with my meds getting me more stable as well. Okay fine, so that's largely the reason.

I've been singing along to some chill tunes while doing a poster. Yesterday, I contacted my module leader and he agreed that it was fine if I go to my course leader to do my poster presentation in her office instead. YES! She can be quite nice, so that is a big help, I feel I can really breathe easy now. The tricky part will be to hear from her before hand to arrange a suitable time, she is very difficult to get hold of. I might be able to worm my way into doing it on a sooner date but I am happy to do it on the original date at the end of May. I'm only itching to do it sooner because then I can go home!

I only planned to do a small section of my poster, but I just kept going and now I have this complete poster in front of me after a couple of hours! It won't be left as it is of course, I will rearrange it, take bits out bla bla bla, but I have plenty of time so it should be perfect :D I am so relieved to have this much time to really work on it, because I have always been really pleased with previous posters only to get really low marks, so this is my last chance to punch it out. I think the previous ones weren't very academic sounding, so I've forged this one from my scientific report - the one I handed in yesterday - with tons of references. Step by step I'll get there.

Now for cutting up some pineapple!

What fruit do you like?

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