Monday 12 May 2014

Making a mountain out of a molehill

11 days to go.
Mood: Sad

I don't know what to think today. Am I losing one of my closest friends? Feeling useless today. I've hoovered my room a bit to try and conjure up a productive flow. I will get my poster finished for tomorrow morning, but I'm feeling...slow.

I like watching programs about geology and space, they make me feel small and remind me that my little problems are only big in my mind and I just need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. That is a big comfort for me. If my problems are insignificant in the grand scheme of things, then they have no power. If they have no power, what am I worrying about? Anxious people have certain methods of dealing with their anxiety and amongst other ways, I do sensationalise a lot, blowing my problems out to silly proportions.

I am learning all the time, we all are.

What fun would it be if we figured everything out at a certain age? What would life be like after that point? Not that our problems don't matter, but to someone such as myself, they are rarely as big as we think they are.

Education doesn't end when you stop going to class.

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