Monday 19 May 2014

Letting this worry go

4 days to go!
Mood: Ready

By myself again and feeling pretty good actually. A cuddly lie in does wonders and now I am feeling productive :) a few days ago, I came up with a schedule for this week, so now I can see whether I'm staying on track. Ahh schedules and lists, what a comfort!

In terms of my flatmate, who knows what her problem is, but I am happy to confidently say that it is HER problem if she doesn't want to talk to me. I am going home in 4 days and my oldest and bestest friend can't wait to see me :) so whatever this is, it's nothing for me to worry about. Friendships come and go and either that will be the reality of the situation or this whole thing is over barely anything and things turn out fine between us. Either way, I'm not stressing anymore. Home is too close :)
A true true friend helps a friend in need
a friend will be there to help them see
a true true friend helps a friend in need
to see the light that shines from a true true friend
I can't let things bother me right now - I'm still on cloud nine from the affectionate husky of my dreams yesterday! Oooh heart burn playing up this morning....

I'm not going to do tooo much today that involves walking around  - I want to spare my feet - so the blisters can heal. That might be a bit TMI but hey ^.^ I'm not exactly going to upload a picture hahaha!

Just breathe.

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