Wednesday 19 March 2014

Feeling Pumped!!

Mood: Driven

Feeling so focussed today :) I went in to uni for a 2 hour lesson with a guest speaker, we all thought it was big of us to show up in all honesty because time is precious right now, lots of deadlines due for next week = no one showed up! It got us on campus at least, my best mate and I had brought our laptops so we found a study spot and did some dissertation work with the odd people-watching as fuel! Hey, everyone does it...

Had a meeting with one of my enhanced enablers this afternoon about how my work is progressing and I am feeling soooo good! She was happy with how things are going and is so proud of me to be working and feeling good as well :D Might've been the 11 hour sleep I got the night before..

Didn't too much in the way of work this afternoon, things were happening slowly but at least they were happening!! I made the most horrible lunch last night after making it from scratch so I thought...let's chuck a pizza in the oven today as a food pick-me-up + accompanied by Mary Poppins = wonderful! Was such a lovely sing-song down memory lane for me, it was a childhood favourite.

What was your favourite film when you were little?

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