Tuesday 18 March 2014

Dissertation Aches and Pains

Mood: Gradually more tense

Boy am I feeling the pressure :/ things are going the way I want which is really really good.
It is that time of year that all final year degree students hate - any others out there? Uhhh I don't really know where to start. I have been feeling surprisingly calm even though it is crunch time of the year. Maybe because I really feel like it is the end and these are my last ever coursework pieces I need to do? Maybe I am finally putting into practice healthier ways to study and it is simply paying off. I am suspicious as to why I am not panicking, but that will happen in ABUNDANCE when exams are next on the list, but let's not even go there yet...

Last night was the first time that I've struggled to get to sleep due to work. I was just lying in bed - it was later than when I normally go to sleep, I tend to go to bed at 10pm - and thinking about my dissertation, what sections I have left to complete and such. When I sleep, I curl up into the foetal position and my shoulders hate me for it. The muscles in my shoulders are all bulked and bunched up, as if my shoulders are on steroids! If someone kneads them out to loosen them - ooooohhh gosh, that hurts like hell. So I am trying to get into the habit of sleeping on my back more.

I have a week left and my dissertation is happening, it will get done :) I am so ready to stop doing this, honestly! Think I'll treat myself to a Shakeaway when I give my last coursework piece in...

There are days when I feel like my thoughts are so fast and whizzing round my brain that it hurts and I need to lie down for a bit. It isn't like a headache, more of a light-headed feeling, like you're really weak and run down. Like the start of a cold and you just need to curl up in your bed in your jim jams and a cuddly toy, good movie and some of your favourite soup!

How do you have a good night's sleep when you are stressed?

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