Tuesday 25 March 2014


Mood: Calm

After my little mini meltdown last night, I figured it was just because I didn't take my medication until late. It seems to really take effect when I don't take them :/ I keep forgetting to make an appointment with my GP for after Easter, I will have to venture down to the surgery tomorrow after I HAND WORK IN! Oh yes :D not my dissertation, but still getting things done and out the way.

Mates keep asking when I am giving mine in - I guess my blog really isn't read haha, I just give answers like soon/I'm working on it/it'll be in asap. I don't want to say outright 'I have extended time', I can't help but feel like it would make me look.... insensitive or arrogant.

After taking my meds straight away this morning - I was happy with myself for remembering! - work was coming along. I had to go in to see my learning support tutor, who gave me lots of praise for how much I have done. She always makes me feel really good about myself and my work - she might occasionally say the usual 'everyone's in the same boat' stuff, but what makes me feel good is when she says how well I've worked despite finding it so difficult.

My report for tomorrow is done - yay!
Dissertation is very nearly there - yay!
Handed in another piece earlier today - yay!

Good mood, keep me going, just til the end of this week at least pleeeease.

How do you stay motivated when you study/work?

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