Saturday 1 March 2014

A partner helps soo much!

I am in a good mood today :) it is the weekend, so my boyfriend is round mine. It could be a combination of getting plenty of sleep lately and the joy of having him with me.

He makes me the happiest me!!
We are heading out for lunch soon - Mexican, yum! - then I will aim to get some work done. In the mood that I'm in, I think I will get some done. After seeing one of my enablers yesterday, I feel on track with everything.
Presentation next week: scripted, just need to practice it.
Report: just needs polishing off.
Dissertation: Getting there very gradually! I have another month, so we'll see :)
The best thing that I've been doing is going to bed around 10 - the ins and outs of the day are just draining me but there is a big up side! I am getting around 9 or 10 hours of sleep every night. Starting to think that 10 hours sleep is my optimum amount!

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