Monday 24 March 2014

Easter = family

I've been dreaming about my family. Last night, I dreamt my sister, mum and myself were looking around shops to see what to get each other for presents. We were all happy but my family was choosing things for me that I didn't like and I picked alternatives that I preferred and they looked confused. This would be pretty accurate to reality actually!

Must be because in a week I will be back home and I am terrified. I am looking forward to it in a way - I miss my papa so much and I am looking forward to bonding time with my mum just the two of us, but I am scared to be alone in the same room as my sister. My mum often rings and says 'call us, we'd love to chat to you' - I want to talk to mum, but in all honesty I don't ring home in case my sister picks up. Instead, I just ring during the day when mum is at work. The awkwardness is unbearable for me, I already struggle with randomly awkward silences but you can feel the tension and it is so uncomfortable. We've never been so distant for this long - the fight was ummm... around July I think, sooo yeah. Not pleasant. For anyone.

Aside from the sister thing, I am quite looking forward to being home (I will be mostly revising/cross stitching/filming youtube videos/coursework-ing). I really do need to find time to chill, I hope I manage to recharge. In the past I have gone home exhausted from a term's work then get stressed in the family environment and go back the next term not feeling any better. I will be coming back here for the last time but.... I don't know whether that's a good thing or not.

How do you spend your Easter holidays?

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