Friday 21 March 2014

I can't quite believe it!

Mood: Total Relief

Well, today is a good day to say the least!!
I was checking my uni email to make sure my afternoon lecture was still running - just to be sure - and to be honest I don't check my uni email enough which is really bad, but there were some emails to read through. I found that my chronic ill health form and extenuating circumstances have been deemed valid! AAHH so happy! This means that I have been given over a month extra for 2 pieces of coursework that were originally due for next week. I can't really believe it, this will take a while to sink in, but this is such good news!!

By no means am I going to slack, I still want these pieces out of the way so I can get on with revision, but this extra time means I don't need to cut corners. I have a bad habit when a deadline is round the corner that I don't bother proof-reading, I just hand in what I've got, so this time I can reeeeally make sure my pieces are good and I'll get better marks! YAY HAPPY DAYS!!!

I still have a piece of coursework due next Wednesday because I didn't include it on the ext. circ. form but that is okay I can focus on that piece and it will be done well :)

This afternoon's lecture will be good actually, I think it will be a comfort to finish hearing how the lecture's describe the exam to us and any prep for us to do. The anxiety will probably kick in a bit, but things feel doable right now, so I'm going to do my best to focus on the positive and punch through the remainiiing.... *thinks it over* 9 weeks left as of today! Blimey, that's nothing is it hmm :/ I really need to get revision going soon aargh.

How do you prepare for exams?

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