Thursday 6 March 2014

Still Feeling Goooood!

Mood: Upbeat!

Gosh it's been what, 3 days now?! I have been in a consistently good mood! This isn't much to shout home about for many people I bet, but for me WOAAAHHH this is massive :D I'm not sure whether it's my medication, it could well be - it is the most popular antidepressant prescribed, so I guess there's good reason for that!

I haven't done that much today. I've done lots of things, although many were small chore-y things that most people can do while on autopilot. Things like putting the dishes away, printing some work, my skincare routine. That kind of thing :) they all count to me, just getting out of bed is enough of an achievement this past year, so I am proud of myself that I got up, did some cleaning, done a teeny bit of work and even some cooking! I had roasted sweet potatoes for lunch....not with anything, literally just a pile of them.

While this mood is here, I think I will film at least one video tonight. I'm in the mood! I've been in my pyjamas all day but that's alright, I'll just put a nice top on and do my makeup - always very therapeutic - so I have a nice evening planned :) the I think it'll be nice to just chill browsing online, then go to bed at 10 as usual.

I am on a long trip away tomorrow with one of my classes, we are going to @Bristol in - you guessed it  - Bristol tehe! It's a great science centre, I have been before, back last summer with my boyfriend and it was tremendous fun. Plus, because I can remember the centre fairly vividly, I can pretty much relax tomorrow and take photos for my report I am working on. Generally a good week I'd say, YAY1

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