Thursday 27 March 2014

What a *alarm beep* fun *alarm beep* experience

Mood: Very happy

That honestly couldn't have gone any better. Unless there were puppies.

*fire alarm battery beep*

I am sooo thrilled at how the feedback event went! The free food was nice, every single person was so lovely and friendly - I feel like I left with 10 new friends! The filmed interview was good fun, though I did 'ummm' a fair bit for a while :/ oops.

*fire alarm battery beep*

I was shaking but I sat on my hands - I hate letting people see how shaky I am when I am nervous. Such genuinely supportive people. All the workers really do want their clients to succeed and get through their studies, it isn't just their job and it shows :)

*fire alarm battery beep*

We had different, fun ways to give feedback on our support and every student I spoke to said their support was wonderful.

*fire alarm battery beep*

AAARGH THAT DARN BEEP! It's not up to me to change your battery, that's for the landlord to do....and he was here today!! So badly want to bash in the fire alarm...

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