Wednesday 5 March 2014

Overcoming Panic & Anxiety Workshop

Mood today: Dazed

It was the kind of day that I feel like I was never completely there, whatever I was doing, as if my day was kind of a dream. I went to a 2-hour workshop on overcoming panic and anxiety and got the chance to talk privately with the speaker which was reassuring.

It has made me want to take up the option to go to a mental health service through a GP referral again. Only thing is, if I get the referral now, by the time it goes through and it's time to actually attend, my degree might have finished! Sooo it might be a case of registering back home in Bournemouth again and getting a referral soon after getting home in June. Through the workshop, I did get really careless. I keep going through these dips of thinking 'I can't be bothered to try to get better anymore!' since I first went to the GP for help around 2 years or so ago.

It really was a good workshop though, the speaker was very informative and relaxed and down-to-earth, we had handouts to make notes on and there were diagrams and all sorts. A lot of these diagram handouts I already have because they do a few panic and anxiety talks and I went to one before Christmas, in the autumn term. It is very generic and, of course everyone's situation let's say is different and unique to them, but mine is more complex with having the triple threat :P

I am feeling good though, tomorrow I am pushing on with some coursework that needs polishing off and my yummy from-scratch dinner is soon to come out of the oven - it smells delicious!!

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