Sunday 23 March 2014


Mood: Relieved

Why do you keep abandoning me internet?!!! My goodness *tut tut*
Oh well, I managed to get some work done after all :) Maybe I just can't work when my boyfriend is round chilling out, I just go into kitten mode and I can't work ^.^

I made the target to write 500 words today and I reached it, so I am feeling better than earlier. I also had yummy Indian for dinner so I consider that as my treat for getting some work done/

When you write even just a few words, it is always progress.

My mentality towards my work is really shifting. Now my worry is, will that transfer over to my revision or will I shut down and panic? I am still not thinking about it yet, although it is scarily close - I think my degree is over in 9 weeks *face of terror* okay no, don't think about it yet, get everything else done first. Deep breaths Jess...

Okay, things are happening and I have time.
I've got this, a few hundred words a day and I've got this....

Do you have a mantra that keeps you going?

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