Monday 10 March 2014

Dartmoor Zoo & Grow4Good

Today's mood: Happy!

Today was an alright day, to be honest I was counting down the hours as soon as I arrived at Dartmoor Zoo. It is a good zoo and it was nice sunny weather so some of the animals were lounging outside and the TIGERS!! Ohh they were so magnificent and beautiful, so big - I think they were Siberian Tigers by the look of them - they looked soooo relaxed and comfy and they're floof was on end, my friend Fern and I just wanted to hope over the fence and curl up with them in the sun (relax, we know how that would actually go). We got really close to the cheetah as well snoozing away.

It wasn't just a trip to look around, the day was based on what measures are put/not put in place to be more environmentally friendly. My favourite part of the day was when we were taken to an non-public area where this charity called Grow4Good works - it basically is an acre for gardening and growing fruit and vegetables where people with emotional and mental conditions and difficulties can spend some time to better themselves. I was beaming inside looking at the place and the head honcho of the charity was lovely and so friendly! I could totally see myself planting and sewing seeds there for my own wellbeing. Then I thought about our own plot at home - my dad bought a plot so we could grow our own vegetables and he goes when he has some time free. Some would say 'Well if you like the sound of the charity work, just go to the plot with your dad!' I did think about it, but I know how my dad is, he wants the plot managed very much his own way, it's his baby, so it wouldn't be very relaxing.

Maybe I should look up some Bournemouth based charities that helps with mental illness sufferers, I think that would be great! I remember him saying how it helps them to trust again and I think that is so important for me, especially when it comes to family. It is a sad fact to admit, but that's it. At least I'm trying to find good ways to deal with it :) I've had a long hot shower so I'm now in my pyjamas, thinking about food and I will treat myself to a brownie in a mug!!

OOHH OH OH  I almost forgot - a letter arrived which was a copy of my chronic ill health form I submitted at university and it says it was approved! YES! The biggest relief - that means I get 10 extra days for my upcoming deadlines. A bit more breathing space, so I will do my best to take advantage and really spend the time wisely and productively :)

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