Sunday 9 March 2014

A Wonderful Saturday

Mood yesterday: Blissful

I was with my guy all Saturday and it was the best! I was productive, managing to complete a piece of coursework for next week, we went out in the afternoon for some bits and pieces. He treated me to a shakeawayyyy, I haven't had one in such a long time, I think maybe a year or two! The weather was so nice, it was warm enough to be out in a strappy top - I was over the moon that it was warm :D

The warmer the weather, the happier I am.
We had a lovely, Mexican dinner and we laughed a lot! I've been wanting to spend out time together chatting more rather than staring at a laptop screen watching a movie every night it was great! We did out a movie on later, but it was so nice just having a laugh, it was like a reconnection. We weren't losing touch or anything, but it did make me feel that bit more closer to him :)
It is days like this that I live for lately - and I am in much better spirits lately hoorahh! I think I really am starting to see the light at the end of this 3-year long tunnel. I now have 3 coursework pieces to do and 2 weeks of lessons left - how crazy is that?!!

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