Sunday 9 March 2014

Another one of those days

Mood: Disappointed

So disappointed in myself today. I have doing my best to reflect more positively on myself and to not be my own worst enemy anymore, but today is a tough one. It has been another one of those days where I plan/intend on getting some work done and what have I been doing?? Browsing eBay for bargains, stuffing my face with salted popcorn and watching youtube videos one after the other *sigh* shame on me!! :(

I still have plenty of the day left, hopefully my brain won't shut down as it tends to in the late afternoon. I know I've got to do it though and I don't have all the time in world. Aaargh no motivation to work whatsoever. What the heck am I supposed to do?! You can't will yourself to get into academic mode - at least I can't - I still don't know how to get myself in the mood to study.

I haven't been getting the amount of sleep I need the past few nights, so I will try to get straight back into that, so an early night for me tonight! I am up early for a day trip to Dartmoor Zoo tomorrow. Dartmoor Zoo is supposed to have some big cats though, so I will enjoy seeing them - seeing tigers in person is always a great reminder as to why I am here at uni :) I look forward to that.

I do feel sad whenever my boyfriend leaves on a Sunday to go back to his place. Sunday nights feel the loneliest, but after a day or so I get excited about Fridays all over again ha!

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