Tuesday 4 March 2014

Happy as a pup with two tails!!

I am in such a good mood today! I didn't wake up like that, I felt sick with nerves before the presentation I told you about - it went well though! Very happy with that.
I had the following lecture by myself, my mates didn't show up, but it was okay because I had my Dictaphone and microphone. I could just sit and really listen to what my lecturer was saying, which was strangely relaxing. Lessons are much more tense when you are panicking about keeping up while writing notes!
I had the afternoon off so my flatmate/best friend and I went into town and treated ourselves to some hair dye :) dyeing each other's hair was very relaxing! My hair is soooo long and super thick, so I always need 2 packs, so it is a long process - I am currently waiting for my 2nd batch to sink in to my hair, got another 40 minutes to wait uhh - but it should come out great! I have wanted to do this for a while, so we shall seeee.
My guy is spending the night over tonight, which is always the HAPPIEST news for me, and since it is Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day we will be getting pizza followed by some attempts to make pancakes - I don't have much hope, we don't have a lot of culinary skill between us, but we have tremendous fun giving things a go together!
Today is the best best best day in ages, I have felt so good ever since we got our presentation over and done with first thing and nothing/noone has really bugged me. GOLDEN DAY!

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