Wednesday 12 March 2014

Little by little

Mood: Reflective and motivated

I wanted to make a second blog last night on the highlights of my day and what I got up to in the afternoon, but the internet was broken! By the time it was working again, it was this afternoon and I have totally forgotten what I did yesterday. Wow Jess. Wow.

Today has been a long, but good day. I was up first thing to do some dissertation work and when I got back to my flat for lunch I found a pretty notebook I wasn't using for anything and decided to make it my 'Gratitude and Highlights Book'. What I am going to do is every day (hopefully) I will list what I am grateful for and in the evening, write down what my highlights of the day are. I'm excited about this, I think it will give my mood a great lift, I will go to bed feeling more positive and before long, I will go through each day feeling more blessed and appreciative of everything in my life. Not that I am ungrateful up to this point, but writing it down will bring it to the front of my mind and alter my approach to everyday life!

I believe I am doing well on my new year's resolution. I went to a positive revision strategies workshop this afternoon, by the end I kind of got bored but it was very useful and fun in places, the lecturer was a great laugh, she had us giggling all the way through! I left feeling more optimistic about my exam preparation (if only it was next on my list) so that is great progress :)

I have been working, little by little, tonight so pat on the back for that. My boyfriend is also here working, so it keeps me on it, whereas if I was by myself I would be on my second movie by now!

The highlight of my day today is that I am that much closer to getting my dissertation done. I have analysed my results, so now I just need to write around it :) happy bunny!

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